Saturday 24 December 2011

portrait final print

After lots of research and thoughts and ideas, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to photograph women that lack in confidence and have a low self esteem. My inspiration for this, was the research based on stereotype's. I was interested in how women wanted to convey the ideal body, which made me approach this particular model. From other people I knew, she lacked confidence with her appearance, and therefore was perfect for my shoot. When meeting her, I asked questions that were based upon my idea. Through general information Nicky the model, explained her figure did not match the perfect stereotype women. She felt the only way to lift her confidence would be cosmetic surgery, which would involve a tummy tuck. This story combined well towards my research and ideas. Unfortunately, my model felt uncomfortable revealing her stomach for the shoot, and therefore I came to the conclusion of revealing her in another approach. I then looked back at previous research, and noticed the photographer Cecil Beaton captures unnoticeable hidden confused expressions, whilst forming the typical stereotype women. When arriving on shoot day, I asked Nicky to wear make-up and dress up, as I wanted her to feel comfortable with her own appearance. My idea behind this shoot was to reveal the lack of confidence in ones own body. When shooting I tried not to ask my model to portray any specific expression or pose, instead I wanted her to fell comfortable and natural, but became apparent, she obviously clamped up and formed a barrier. However I like the dream –like quality almost dreaming of the ideal appearance.

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