Friday 23 December 2011

final peice / night time pastiche

On searching for location, I found the perfect shoot. However when processing my film my settings on my Mamiya RZ were incorrect for the lighting available. On this occasion, I found this to be unsatisfactory and researched further `how to shoot and obtain the perfect night time shoot`. My research showed me that bracketing was the best technique, which involved taking one picture at a given exposure, one or more brighter, and one or more darker, in order to select the most satisfactory image. This was accomplished by changing either the shutter speed or the aperture, in my case the shutter speed. I used an aperture of f22 then lowered the shutter speed each shot. I was just unfortunate that the scene had been changed and christmas eliminations had been put in place. Due to my time factor and availably of camera's, I was unable to re-shoot the pastiche. However I have gained valuable experience into night time shooting, and capturing the ideal photo first time.
This is my contact sheet and final print for the Urban environment pastiche.  I went to a little street behind in Rochester high street to shoot . As this was my second time of shooting night time photography I am very pleased with the fact that I got an exposure on every frame of the film.  I used a film called Ilford XP2 with an ISO of 400, and it gave a lot of detail in the darker part of the image as well as high-quality contrast. I used an exposure time from 20-24 seconds on F16 on the first five shots, and 55-70 seconds on F16 on the last five. 

I think that first 5 images could have been the ones to use, given that there is a lot of reflections in the street since it was raining just before I took them. But the only problem I had due to retaking the shoot , the Rochester christmas lights had appeared and therefore don’t think captured the same effect. I also shot landscape instead of portrait which was a silly mistake, but unfortunately realised this matter after printing. Due to all these problems I am still happy with my final outcome as I learnt how to use night time photography and I still think there are some aspects in the photo that are similar to the original.

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