1) What is your understanding of issues related to the landscape environment?
A variety of environmental problems now affect our entire world. As globalization continues and the earth's natural processes transform local problems into international issues, few societies are being left untouched by major environmental problems. Some of the largest problems now affecting the world are Acid Rain, Air Pollution, Global Warming, Hazardous Waste, Ozone Depletion, Smog, Water Pollution, Overpopulation, and Rain Forest Destruction. I think there is so much going on in today’s world revolving around environmental concerns, and the information in newspapers serve as a great informational tool to inform the public.
2) What context would you place your work in?
During this project I was required to submit a set of images (minimum of three) based upon my personal approach of representing the landscape. Drawing upon the knowledge of my references, I had to formulate my own visual choices that best reflected how i wished to represent the landscape. I could choose if I wanted to focus on political aspects, or investigate the relationship between human interventions upon nature, or there may be ideas of the ‘cultured’ landscape that I could investigate. Whatever area I wished to work on, it was important that I considered the relationship between my visual strategy and how that affects the representation of the landscape.
When researching different issues, i loved the importance of the global issue of “oil”. I analysed the work of Burtinski, and found his photography interesting, and was intrigued how he presented his visual fascination with the world’s addiction to oil. His concept towards his photography had a massive globalisation issue. However, after research and location searching, unfortunately I didn’t have enough time to find a suitable location, and therefore began researching other themes and photographers.
After my environment tutorial, I began exploring more specific photographs related with my chosen theme ` deforestation`, and thought by researching numerous photographers it would help decide my argument towards this topic.
I researched several photographers that explored this subject, either relating back to history’s domination, the political and social issues focussing on the subject matter of a recurring theme of time, memory, human labour and development in various environmental parts of the world, the reflection upon modern city's in repeated development, and the spectacular changes in human perception. I was intrigued by all, but when thinking what context my work is placed in the idea of re-usable materials, symbolising the control that man has over landscape and are a sign of human invention on landscape, highlighting a political manner of greed for resource.
3) How did my photos translate to my initial thoughts?
I think, after my first assessment I had a lot of room for improvement, on how to show the importance of deforestation and how the theme symbolises human invention on landscape, highlighting a political manner of greed for resource. My photo’s I think, link back well towards my initial thoughts as they show how the wood can be recycled and manufactured into other useable items.
4) How have you managed your studies?
Throughout my project I have tried to manage my studies in an structured manner, including researching several photographers and suitable locations, to help develop ideas, and also have set reasonable deadlines to help achieve tasks.
5) What aspects of your shoot productions do you kneed to reflect upon and why?
Pin-pointing the location earlier enough in the day, was a crucial element as limited time was only available due to sunset. This may have given me the opportunity to experiment further with lighting and camera angles.
Researching Weather conditions was vital, as on the day of shoot there was extreme fog, and therefore was difficult to gain the perfect shot. Luckily I could manipulate this problem, with printing facilities.
6) What has been the most significant challenge on this unit so far? How can you overcome this in the future?
I think my significant challenge for this unit was finding the correct location to fulfil the requirements of the task. I think I could overcome this in the future by furthering my research to help gain a more accurate location to my thoughts in mind.
After my environment tutorial, there was room for improvement, and began exploring more specific photographs related with my chosen theme ` deforestation`, I could overcome this by researching numerous photographers, which helped decide my argument towards this topic.
Colour printing was a difficulty, as I had trouble correcting the balancing of the colour tones. I could overcome this by further practice, to hopefully gain continuity throughout my colour printing process.
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