Saturday 12 November 2011

object-obicity ideas

Before making my final decision for my object project, I experimented with ideas that I thought would correspond well towards my theme. The idea I had was to combine all junk food into one photoshot. This would illustrate the different foods associated with obesity. After processing and viewing the final image, I didn’t think the photo looked strong enough for a final piece. I therefore researched and thought of other ideas and began to experiment with my other thought.
From all research, I gained much knowledge of how obesity can cause a huge impact into human society and  wanted to show this throughout my final development of ideas.
For my final idea, I wanted to create a bigger than normal burger filled with a high calorie content. When observing this image I wanted the object to have the advert of the reversal effect. The food that we generally associate as being mouth watering, combined in one burger gives the opposite effect. 
For my final piece I used a 5x4 horseman camera. Before using this camera I knew the bigger the camera, more was  required for smaller aperture, as this gained more depth of field and hence more light.  I felt more comfortable using this style of camera as I had previous workshops to assist with my knowledge and ability of how to use the equipment. Before shooting I made sure all controls were set at zero, the camera was level and experimented with the `belo`, as this made the object look straight
When thinking about my depth of filed and focus I wanted to use a 240mm standard lens. This type of lens would help increase my focus and depth of field allowing the viewer to notice all detail of the subject. Unfortunately this lens was not available and therefore had to use a 210mm lens. This type was just as good.
Whilst keeping the lens to subject distance, I increased the focal length as this increased the magnification but decreased the angle of view.
For my lighting i wanted to use a  bron studio power pack. This type of equipment offers a power range from 10 J to 6100 J of flash energy, and found the pack easy to use and uniquely convenient. I also used studio flash as this was a much stronger light. the shadows appeared darker creating lighter highlights on the burger perfect when emphasising the texture of food. I also decided to attach a honeycomb. The equipment looked like a honeycomb mesh. The honeycomb technique created a the look of a spot rather than a flood. It was to obtain a hard lighting effect embracing distinct shadows.

When getting my object in perfect focus I used a loop. I felt this tool helped emphasize the correct amount of depth, contrast and focus. Once happy, with my focus I then closed the lens, cocked the shutter and loaded a sheet of film. Before taking my colour shoot I also used `quick disk`. This enabled me to determine the correct amount of exposure. The use of the QuickDisk involved no calculation, it was light weight, easy to replace and free for personal use. Not only could i emphasize the exposure but also could measure the largest visible diameter.
I did experiment with a small apertures, and decided to use an aperture of f32. This increased the depth-of-field which meant more elements in the picture, from foreground to background, where in sharp focus. By using this type of aperture, the image created more depth drawing the viewer into the picture, great when emphasizing the high calorie intake.
A shutter realise cable was also used which I attached to the lens. this was used to realise the shutter. The light metre helped a lot when capturing my final image, as this helped take my exposure reading which was f32. During my films I had to increase the power pack to allow more light onto the subject. The more light placed on the subject, the higher the light reading.
When using my light metre I set the iso to 160 and set my shutter to 1/500th of second. I also used a  plain white backdrop as this emphasized the subject in more detail.
This negative shows my final outcome of my shoot. At first I thought some of my negatives were a little out of focus, or needed more depth of field therefore reshot and took those thoughts into consideration. After experimenting and loads of test shots I was really pleased, and couldn’t wait to start the printing process.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sophie,
    Good to see you reflecting on your work, experimenting and moving forward. I am still left a little in the g=dark about the concept for the photo. I understand from your post the general idea about food and obesity but wonder why you have added the cigarette butt. Is the work now dealing with more general theme of overeating and lack of exercise. If so the concept and the visual strategy may be further defined to add physical weight and a sense of sloth to the image. It is encouraging to see you developing ideas in a systematic way and your critical reflection. More research would help to define the direction and provide context for the project. M
